Membership Categories & Benefits
The Membership of this Society shall be composed of six (6) classes of members: Founding, Charter, Active, Life, Honorary and Associate. Active Members are voting members of the Society. Founding and Charter members are voting members of the Society if they have not been re- classified as Life Members. Honorary, Life and Associate are not voting members.

a) Active Member: Active members, Founding members, and Charter members shall have full and equal rights of participation in the business and affairs of the Society, shall be eligible to hold office and shall have the right to vote.
Click here for more information about how to become an Active Member.
b) Associate Member: All fellows in advanced gynecologic surgical fields (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, GYN Oncology, Reproductive Endocrinology, MIGS) or in gynecology or urology residency programs, are eligible for membership as Associate Members of the Society. All members of the Fellows’ Pelvic Research Network (FPRN)® must be Associate Members of the Society. Residents are not eligible to be FPRN® Members. Associate Members shall have equal rights of participation in the affairs of the society, but will not be eligible to vote or hold office or act as a proposer or endorser for new members until achieving Active Membership status.
Apply for Associate Membership here.
c) Associate Member - Post Training
All physicians within three years post completion of training in gynecologic surgical fields (Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, GYN Oncology, Reproductive Endocrinology, MIGS) or gynecology or urology residency programs are eligible for membership as Associate Members of the Society. Associate Members shall have equal rights of participation in the affairs of the society, but will not be eligible to vote or hold office or act as a proposer or endorser for new members until achieving Active Membership status.
Apply for Associate Member - Post Training member here.
d) Life Members: Active, Founding, or Charter members who have been members of the Society for at least ten years and have reached the age of seventy (70), or have retired. and wish to change their status to Life membership may do so by written request to the Executive Director. Life members will not be required to pay annual dues, but should they choose to attend the annual meeting, they will be required to pay a discounted registration fee. They shall enjoy all privileges of membership except the right to vote and the right to hold office.